Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Than Halfway There

I am sitting in the airport in Seoul, Korea. I really like how nice everyone has been and there is awesome food! I'm drinking Starbucks right now. Yum! The plain ride was really long so thank goodness we had tons of stuff to do. I'm really tired from jet lag. I'm really excited to be in Japan. We should be leaving in two hours. - randi

P.s. I lost my camera :(

Well,Randi wants to let her mom know that she lost her camera. Which is very sad. At this moment I am enjoying my first Starbucks from a different country. It's made with soy milk. Its very exciting. The plane ride was really long but we entertained our selves by playing battleship across the plane. Thank you mom for the bagel! - Amy

I'm so tired! I can never sleep on planes. It is 7:30am here and 4:30pm in Colorado. Wow! I don't have much else to say cuz Amy and Randi said most of the fun stuff. I miss all you people in Colorado! -Jade


  1. Great updates ladies. Keep them coming and have tons of fun.

    Robyn (Peytens mom)

  2. Yay Trebol!!!! Glad to hear you guys made it to Korea. Drink lots of misu and get lots of sunshine in Arao.

  3. Thank you for the updates! So glad you made it safely. I can only imagine how tired all of you must be.... Can't wait to see pictures. Go TREBOL! =:) Shelley
